Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Melting snow helps renew the life of the forest and provide water for area farms.

     The previous winter brought an unusually heavy snowfall to the Targhee N.F.  As a result, there were several roads, including the Cave Falls Road, that were not completely open when our Tour began.

     Here, over the roof of the Jeep, a small waterfall cascades over the rocks along the Cave Falls Road.  The water is coming from a lake at the top of the hill fed by melting snow.  This is the head of Strong Creek.  Strong Creek, like all of the other creeks in this area, eventually add their water to the Henry's Fork of the Snake River.

     The crystal clear water of Strong Creek runs swiftly down through it's small canyon.

    Mossy Springs along the Cave Falls Road runs throughout the year and has provided a refreshing drink to travelers for many years.  The melting snow adds additional flow in the spring and early summer.

     Pools of water gather in the forest as the snow continues to melt.  These pools nourish the trees and animals who live among them.

     The melting snow helps to renew the home of the beaver.