Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The Jeep Summer Tour 2011 is Done

The Falls River just outside the YNP boundary

     The Jeep Summer Tour 2011 is done.  The A1 took us to some great places, without a single breakdown!.

    We started the blog hoping that we could share our travels with others.  As of this morning, the blog has been up just over three weeks and has been viewed over 750 times.   It's been seen by people from United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Hungary, Netherlands, Australia, Germany, Mexico, Argentina and the Czech Republic.

One of the old places, with the Tetons in the distance

Along Robinson Creek
     There are scenic and exciting places all around the country.  We’ve enjoyed giving others a look at some of the places near where we live.

     We’re going to leave the blog up so that we can go back during the long winter that’s coming, enjoy the memories from the past summer and think about the places we want to see next year!

     And speaking of next year, we're planning to have both of our old Jeeps, the A1 and our 1963 CJ5, along on the Tour.  This summer we focused on the area around the Targhee National Forest.  There are still places there we want to go to next year, but we're also going to travel to some places a little farther away.

     A special thanks to the men and women of all the armed services, Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marines and Navy, who have served and who are serving.  What you do is important and appreciated.